Is there a best time to move? You might be surprised! In today’s post we’ll go over the most popular times to move in the Vancouver area as well as review our tips for making your move go as smoothly as possible.

Let’s get started!


Summer is moving season in Vancouver

Here at ANC Movers, our busiest season is during the summer. The weather’s great and school’s out of session (making it easier for families to move). People are looking to find a new place before the rainy fall and winter weather starts up again.

If you’re thinking about moving between May and August, you should start planning your move well in advance because it might be harder to find a mover who can work around your schedule. This is especially true for weekends when the ANC Movers team is at our busiest. So if you’re thinking you might want to move this summer, contact us as soon as you can to learn about availability and to get a free moving quote.


If you’re a renter, plan to move during the winter. You can find a more affordable new apartment as supply is greater than demand during the rainy winter months in the Vancouver area.


A little overlap can be a big stress reliever

Moving can be stressful. One great way to reduce stress is to time your move so you move into your new home before you have to be out of your old place. It’s not always possible, but asking to shuffle closing dates or adjust lease terms can help eliminate the stress of a hurried move. Use the extra time you have to:

  • Leisurely unpack at your new home
  • Thoroughly clean your old apartment
  • Avoid any headaches caused by last-minute issues or problems


Consider the pros and cons of different scheduling options

Depending on your work schedule, how much vacation time you have available, and other factors, you’ll need to figure out how to you want to schedule your move:

  • Move on the weekends so you don’t have to take any vacation days at work
  • Move on a Friday to avoid weekend traffic and then take the weekend to settle into your new home

Everybody’s different and there’s no right answer for everyone. Think about what you value most and what will offer you the best chance to reduce the stress of your moving day.


Read More Moving Tips on the ANC Movers Blog

Our blog is full of the best moving advice in Vancouver. Check out our most popular posts and get the moving tips you need to make your move a big success!

Don’t forget about your furry friends! Learn how to move with pets. Keep reading

Conquer moving anxiety and achieve a stress free move. Keep reading

Don’t forget about your furry friends! Learn how to move with pets. Keep reading


When you’ve found a new place you love

It might seem too obvious, but the best time to move is when you’ve found a new house, apartment, or condo you love! Moving gets a bad rap for being stressful and a big hassle, but it’s just not true! With the help of the experienced residential moving team at ANC Movers, you can have a stress-free move, guaranteed!

So if you’ve found the home of your dreams, get ready to move right away! Don’t put it off another minute. You’ll be happier than ever before once you’ve moved into your new home!


Get Your Free Moving Quote from ANC Movers

No matter when you’re planning your Vancouver area move, ANC Movers is here to help. Contact us online and tell us about your upcoming move. We’ll give you a free no-obligation moving quote and help make your move as stress-free as possible!



Even if you’re moving without our help, make sure to download our FREE moving checklist to prepare for your big move. You’ll learn:

  • The moving supplies you need!
  • How to pack and label boxes
  • What to do (and not do) on the day of the move
  • The first things to do in your new place

Plus much more!
Download Now